Key Terms:

This page is list of definitions for key terms on this page. Unless otherwise noted, the definitions have been compiled by this author from readings on the subject. 

Aquatic Apes: The term created to cover the unknown human ancestor, a primate who may have had a partially aquatic existence. This animal is believed to be a land creature that could have spent a good deal of its life in or near water. Modern animals such as the hippopotamus are cited as examples of such an creature. Some recently discovered human evolutionary responses suggest that such adaptations to water may have been possible

Selective Pressures: This is a term from evolutionary science which operates broadly under the theories developed by Charles Darwin. In this theory, animals are seen to adapt to the place they live. These adaptations to their environment make them better able to survive. For example, giraffes are believed to have long necks because their food, tree leaves, grows high up. The pressure, a high food source, cause a trait, long necks, to be selected. 

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