Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Fishapod who Evolved to Go on Land, then Evolved to Go Back Into the Water!





This source is a YouTube video from the PBS channel. This source relates the discovery of a fossil, a so-called "missing link" between sea dwelling creatures and land dwelling creatures. What makes this find critical is that the creature in question went back into the water after evolving to walk on land. This discovery suggests a "messier" version of evolution than the standard straight line from fish to apes to humans that is the stereotype. 


This source is very useful in regards to the Elaine Morgan talk. Morgan admits that there is no fossil evidence for her theory, but some have speculated that the fossils of Morgan's "aquatic ape" may have washed back out to sea since they were dwelling on a beach; however, this explanation is met with wide skepticism. The fossil discussed in this video could help answer that skepticism because it suggests that animals can spend several generations on land, then return to the sea. such a return would make their fossils that much harder to find. 


This source comes from PBS, a public TV channel that tends to focus on straight news, information, and education. They state, "PBS offers programming that expands the minds of children, documentaries that open up new worlds, non-commercialized news programs that keep citizens informed on world events" (About PBS). Because they are publicly funded, they tend to avoid the sensationalism of the History Channel and other similar cable outlets which have gotten in trouble for pseudo-documentaries like Mermaids: the Body Found.

I do wish that the presenter's credentials were given though. The host is very enthusiastic and professional sounding. Distinguishing different ancient fish from one another, she states, "Elpistostegalions that lived in the late Devonian period." Her fluent use of these scientific terms gives credibility to the video, but the fact that her name and credentials are not presented at the beginning of the video or in the description could leave readers wondering about her credibility. 

Works Cited

Our Ancient Relative That Said 'No Thanks' To Life On Land 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke0BjyO41QgCITE SOURCE SOON

About PBS https://www.pbs.org/about/about-pbs/mission-values/ CITE SOURCE SOON